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Herunder kan du danne dig et godt billede af Luxman. Læs hvad anmelderne mener om Luxman produkter og søge inspiration til at vælge det netop det produkt, der vil give dig allermest glæde. 


Luxman LMC-5
August 10, 2022
"The LMC-5 is a detail and texture king. It never punctured the ears or the senses. It straddled a perfect divide between rich tone and silken textures within a big, deep soundstage."

Luxman CL-1000

February 11, 2020

Hi-Fi News OUTSTANDING PRODUCT "At the risk of alienating those of you who think hair shirts are comfortable, the Luxman CL-1000 unashamedly marries truly stellar sonic performance with the sort of perceived value – and build quality – that eludes much of the high-end. It is a delight to use, it leads to hours-long listening sessions and it is so gorgeous that you’ll want to fiddle with the controls just for the tactile rewards. Magnificent!"

Luxman C-900u

October 31, 2014

Soundstage! Hi-Fi Reviwers Network "The Luxman C-900u amazed me. It makes me wonder how different my audio journey might have been had I listened to that salesman 33 years ago and bought the used Luxman integrated he recommended." "In my estimation, it’s a preamp for the ages -- and perhaps in a decade or two, it will have proven to be another classic from Luxman that will still be outperforming whatever’s new in 2024 or 2034."

Luxman L-509X

December 14, 2017

Big, rich, sweet and totally controlled: sounds like something of a soft listen, doesn’t it? Yet the truth is that the L-509X is all of the above in a good way, and none of those in a bad: it simply conveys the music in a manner that always seems exactly as it should. Don’t look at the styling and expect all those clichés
of amplifiers of yore – this is a bang up to date design, in both engineering and sound.

Luxman C-900u og M-900u

February 28, 2018

These units worked faultlessly, the remote was a joy to handle, the sound blissfully neutral, while the units are made with the sort of finish that's as cool as Swiss air.

Luxman LX-380

January 31, 2018

An elegang integrated, hybrid valve amplifier paced with facilities - and a great sound. Low power, but must be heard.

Luxman C-700u og M-700u

August 05, 2016

***** "It’s got to be one of the best £6k power amps around." ”These products are pleasingly tactile.” “There’s a lovely organic flow to the sound that puts us in mind of the best valve-powered gear, but here without a hint of excess warmth or richness.”

Luxman D-06u

December 26, 2017

"The immediacy of the sound was remarkable, surpassing that of any other DAC through which I've played it."
"...was reproduced with suppleness, color, and a superb, analog-like level of musical momentum."
"the D-06u impresses me as one of the most recommendable digital sources at its price."

Luxman D-06u

January 16, 2017

"DSD gengivelsen er ret god for at sige det mildt."

”D-06u formår at åbne lige det sidste op i mellemtonen i forhold til andre DSD DAC's vi har haft testet hos”

“Pink Floyds “The Wall” bliver spillet med en imponerende åbenhed og hul igennem. Det giver sig ikke kun udslag i en af de bedste stortrommegengivelser længe hørt, men også at alle de små effekter og lyde der er lagt ind på numrene kan høres, uanset hvor svagt de fremstår rent volumenmæssigt.”

Luxman L-507UX

May 15, 2016

Årets forstærker 2016 "Skulle man være i tvivl, så er det her et produkt der vækker glæde - det er den slags der gør det en del sjovere at være anmelder"

Luxman EQ-500

April 26, 2016

“almost overwhelming - a very pleasant overdose”

“The manner in which the EQ-500 pulled subtle musical details out of an ink-black background was astonishing—and very much appreciated”

“In addition to being a pure delight to use, it was easily one of the best-sounding, most musical phono preamps I've ever had in my system.”

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